Xin giới thiệu một trích đoạn tài liệu về một loại keo dán sắt sử dụng trong ngành cao su kỹ thuật để tăng độ liên kết hay độ bám dính giữa vật liệu cao su PU và phần kim loại.
Đối với các sản phẩm lô trục cao su, ngoài yếu tố phần cao su có tính chất cơ lý tốt, kháng mài mòn cao..., thì việc liên kết giữa cao su và kim loại luôn là đề tài cho các kỹ sư Polymer nghiên cứu, chế tạo ra các hợp chất tạo sự kết dính cao giữa cao su kỹ thuật và kim loại được cải thiện.
LORD Chemlok®
218 adhesive is a one-coat adhe-sive used to bond castable and millable urethane elastomers to metals and other rigid substrates. It is composed of a mixture of polymers and resins dissolved in an organic solvent system.
Features and Benefits
Environmentally Resistant– provides excellent resistance to water, salt spray, a variety of solvents and other environmental conditions.
Convenient– requires no primer, reducing labor and costs.
Versatile– bonds a variety of castable and millable polyurethane elastomers.
Surface Preparation– Thoroughly clean metal surfaces prior to adhesive application. Remove protective oils, cutting oils and greases by solvent degreasing or alkaline cleaning. Remove rust, scale or oxide coatings by suitable chemical or mechanical cleaning methods.
• Chemical Cleaning
Chemical treatments are readily adapted to auto-mated metal treatment and adhesive application
Chemlok®218 Adhesive lines. Chemical treatments are also used on metal parts that would be distorted by blast cleaning or where tight tolerances must be maintained. Phos-phatizing is a commonly used chemical treatment for steel, while conversion coatings are commonly used for aluminum.
• Mechanical Cleaning
Grit blasting is the most widely used method of mechanical cleaning. However machining, grinding or wire brushing can be used. Use steel grit to blast clean steel, cast iron and other ferrous metals.
Use aluminum oxide, sand or other nonferrous grit to blast clean stainless steel, aluminum, brass, zinc and other nonferrous metals.
For further detailed information on surface prepara-tion of specifi c substrates, refer to Chemlok Adhesives application guide. Handle clean metal surfaces with clean gloves to avoid contamination with skin oils.
Mixing– No agitation is required before or during use. If needed, proper dilution for the various application methods is best achieved by experience. Chemlok 218 adhesive is normally used full strength for brush, dip and roller coat applications. For spray application, ilution of 50-100% by volume is suggested. Use either a 1:1 isopropanol:toluene blend (by volume) or glycol ether solvents.

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